Introduction to Linguistics

Introduction to Linguistics

Introduction to Linguistics

Course Code & Number: ENGL 280

Credit Hours: 3

Level: 4

Course Description:

The overall aim of this course is to introduce the students to the major disciplines and schools in linguistics. It provides students with an answer to the question "What is Linguistics?" The course stands as a fundamental prerequisite and a solid foundation to the track of Linguistics. This course provides an opportunity for students to learn about the, such as synchronic and diachronic approaches to language, language acquisition, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

Course Objectives:

  1. Gain a general introduction to the discipline of linguistics.
  2. Be equipped with basic linguistic knowledge and background.
  3. Become familiar with major linguistic fields.
  4. Be prepared to study more complex theories in similar areas and in various specialties.
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