Translating Islamic Texts

Translating Islamic Texts

Translating Islamic Texts

Course Code & Number: ENGL 431

Credit Hours: 3

Level: 8

Course Description:

This course aims at equipping students with the skills required for translation of religious texts from Arabic into the target language and vice versa. Special emphasis is laid on the lexical and stylistic features of religious discourse and attention is paid to the techniques of translating the Holy Qur'an, the biography and ‘Hadiths’ of the prophet, and Islamic law. The students acquire the special terminology used in the expression of Islamic concepts and matters related to religious rites.

Course Objectives:

  1. Analyse and evaluate translations of various Islamic texts
  2. Examine how conceptual categories of the sacred can be transferred across languages and cultures
  3. Effectively use religious terminology in translation
  4. Utilize Islamic and linguistic knowledge in translating sacred texts
  5. Appreciate the merit of translators in serving Islam
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3/29/2024 2:57:32 AM