Phonetics and Phonology

Phonetics and Phonology

Phonetics and Phonology

Course Code & Number: ENGL 363

Credit Hours: 3

Level: 5

Course Description:

This course in English phonetics and phonology introduces students to the articulatory and acoustic aspects of speech production and perception. The course provides a general description of modern English pronunciation, and students are aware of the difference between vowels and consonants, stress and intonation. Students are taught phonetic transcription, using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), and means to diagnose pronunciation errors. The course examines the way sounds are grouped together, different sound patterns, and how phonology can be applied to other fields.

Course Objectives:

  1. Identify the main technical terms related to the course.
  2. Enable students to differentiate between consonants and vowels, stress and intonation.
  3. Describe the production of English sounds and categorize them.
  4. Enable students to pronounce English sounds in isolation and in connected speech.
  5. Enable students to model the sound structure of the language.
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