Reading II

Reading II

Reading II

Course Code & Number: ENGL 214

Credit Hours: 2

Level: 4

Course Description:

This is an advanced reading course designed to develop students’ comprehension skills. Each unit contains reading passages followed by exercises to enforce learners' comprehension skills. The course fulfills the twin objectives of developing the comprehension skills of students and equipping them to read and understand texts of different types, literary and otherwise. In this course students will be exposed to a wide selection of passages ranging from fiction to poetry and factual/informational texts. There are exercises to test factual and inferential comprehension and to develop the predictive skills of the users, as well as understand a writers’ tone and purpose of their essay.

Course Objectives:

  1. Develop and refine comprehension skills.
  2. Effectively demonstrate their understanding of facts and ideas such as organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, describing, paraphrasing, and extracting the main ideas from an essay.
  3. Correctly answer direct questions with short answers and multiple-choice questions.
  4. Effectively reproduce the acquired information.
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