Specialization in Tracks

Specialization in Tracks guide

1. Students are required to pass both ENGL 280 and ENGL 240 courses. Subsequently, their grades in ENGL 280 and ENGL 240 are aggregated and divided by two to calculate the average between the two courses.

2. The average of the two courses is combined with the student's GPA, and the result is divided by two to derive the final average, which serves as the basis for the final selection.

3. If a student attains the highest average, they are granted specialization based on their first preference. Priority is accorded to students who fulfil all the specified conditions and possess the highest percentage until the allocated slots in a particular track are filled. Subsequently, the remaining students will be allocated to the track with available seats. As previously mentioned, each track constitutes 50% of the total batch.

Last Update
3/26/2024 1:49:21 AM