Audio-visual Translation

Audio-visual Translation

Audio-visual Translation

Course Code & Number: ENGL 432

Credit Hours: 3

Level: 7

Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce the student to the principles and techniques of translating audiovisual texts for television, cinema and internet. It focuses on the main linguistic and cultural challenges that translators encounter when dealing with films and other audiovisual productions. In addition to the comprehensive discussions on translation of films, video games, and other audiovisual materials, the course engages the student in extensive practical, hands-on experience as well as classroom learning. Hence, it creates an opportunity for the learner to develop profound know-how of the technical aspects of subtitling, dubbing, audio description and voice-over. The course, further, gives the student a deep insight into the implication of audiovisual translation in language learning.

Course Objectives:

  1. Define the key concepts in audiovisual translation;
  2. Define the technical, linguistic, sociocultural and commercial dimensions associated with audiovisual translation including subtitling, dubbing and, voice-overs;
  3. Address the challenges of audiovisual translation in a technologically oriented world of ours engulfed by multimedia;
  4. Address the sociocultural issues associated with audiovisual translation;
  5. Create/produce unbiased, well–versed translation for various medias, multimedia formats;
  6. Identify problems when required to create your own monolingual and interlingual subtitles for clips;
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3/29/2024 2:37:56 AM