Course Description:
This course is a study of human learning and cognitive organization and processes. It provides a current and comprehensive
overview of theories related to learning. It aims at outlining basic theories of learning, including Behaviourism, Cognitivism,
Constructivism, multiple intelligences, social learning, action learning, adult learning, and sensory stimulation learning, among
others. The course focuses on understanding how learning occurs, and therefore the principles of the theories can be used as
guides to help select tools, techniques, and strategies of instruction to promote the learning process. The course focuses on
learning as a relatively permanent change in behavior and cognition, which include both observable activities and internal
processes such as thinking, attitudes and emotions.
Course Objectives:
- Acquaint students with the general concepts of learning theories
- Consider a variety of theories of learning
- Understand how individual differences affect the learning process
- Provide students with the opportunity to engage in critical analysis of theories through class discussion and class
- Give students opportunities to think about how to apply course material into their personal philosophy and future practice.